AADF news

06/06/2016 Education & Leadership

CleanScore Revolutionizes Albanian Higher Education with Innovative Digital Testing and International Textbook Integration

CleanScore is set to revolutionize the field of Albanian higher education by introducing cutting-edge digital testing solutions that will significantly enhance transparency in the grading process and student evaluations.

Furthermore, this initiative will play a vital role in elevating the quality of education by substituting current textbooks with renowned international editions. Funded by AADF with a substantial investment of $400,000, the project is scheduled to span over a duration of two and a half years. It will undergo initial testing in both a public and a private university.

As the project progresses, a total of 10 new internationally recognized textbooks will be meticulously translated and adapted to suit the specific requirements of the Albanian context. Moreover, 15 subjects will undergo comprehensive testing through their individual electronic test banks, leveraging the advanced CleanScore technology.

This initiative is projected to involve a remarkable cohort of over 2,000 students, who will actively participate in digital exam scoring—a pivotal facet of the program.
