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Promotion of the books in Kosovo: Financial Accounting, International Business, Personal Finance and Entrepreneurship

In December 2019 the CleanScore management team together with professor Ilia Kristo, visited several Albanian-speaking universities in Kosovo to promote the 4 academic textbooks translated: Financial Accounting, International Business, Personal Finance and Entrepreneurship. The team met with rectors, deans and representatives of the University of Prizren, University of Peja, AAB College, Universum College and the University of Pristina. During these meetings the university representatives were introduced to the activities of AADF and CleanScore project, focusing on the book’s component A copy of the book “International Business” was donated to each university, which was the focus of the visits. The university representatives were introduced to the whole strict process of translation, editorship and book publication. In all the meetings held, the lack of academic textbooks and their low quality was tackled as a common problem. The conversations between the parties clearly reflected that the situation of academic textbooks in Kosovo is similar to Albania. All the universities expressed their considerations for the book 4 books translated and agreed to propose for approval of books to the adequate instances of the institutions in order for them to be used as the main textbook for the respective subjects, depending on the program of each university.